Our family is growing. We are happy and proud to have Mdm. Hong in Mentakap, covering Pahang state while Mr Tan, based in Kuala Trengganu covering the state of Trengganu and Kelantan and another Mr. Tan(Sheh Ping) who is based in Seremban.
Mdm Hong - 016 9601763 (Mentakap)
Mr. Tan (Homecraft Center) - 013-9339735 (K.T.)
Mr Tan Sheh Ping- 017-3369848 (Seremban)
Their services include sales and technical support with back up from our head office in PJ, Selangor.
Supported by sub-agents, they will be our sales and service representative over in the East Coast and Negri Sembilan.
Now you guys from these areas will be able to make enquiries, purchases and get services in these areas with these very helpful and well respected figures.
Other areas are being supported from PJ for the time being.
Qualified and keen to join our growing family as an agent or distributor? Pls call 019-3814339 or 03-78051866.